Netflix movies and series have been the meeting point of the audience in our country in recent years. Netflix, a worldwide movie, series site, is a site that hosts movies and series that he is the producer of besides oscar award-winning productions. We have listed some movies that you can watch on Netflix, which has a certain membership system and sells it for monthly prices. You can find some of the Netflix movies below.
Netflix, which contains thousands of movies, is a movie series series that can be easily watched from smart devices, laptops, TVs and all kinds of similar computer-derived devices. What movie should I watch on Netflix, which has a world-wide reputation? The answer to the question is in our news for enthusiasts.
Norbit (2007) - Comedy
Norbit, our good-natured, good-natured friend, is actually a normal person. It was adopted only by Mr. Wrong on time. Marrying the extremely large Rasputia, Norbit's childhood love, Kate Thomas, returns to town one day and wants to buy the orphanage. While Norbit sees this as an opportunity to regain his first love, he learns that Kate is actually engaged to Deion Hughes.
Hanna (2011) - Action / Thriller
A former cia agent raises her daughter hanna as a killing machine at the extreme end of Finland. On the day he turns 14, he gives him the task for the first assassination. Hanna, who is focused on the goal when she sets off, starts to question some things as time passes.
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018) ‧ Western / Drama
An American western film written, directed and produced by the Coen brothers. Six different stories are told in the movie. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs netflix, which tells 6 different stories about the Wild West, includes names such as James Franco, Liam Neeson, David Krumholtz, Brendan Gleeson, Zoe Kazan, and Stephen Root.
Rome (2018) - Drama
The Roman movie is signed by the famous director Alfonso Cuaron. Telling the life story of Cleo, a Mexican maid, Roma sheds light on the social conditions of Mexico in the 1970s. Roman movie is a Netflix movie that you should definitely watch ...
Seven Lives (Seven Pounds - 2008) ram Drama / Romance
Directed by Gabriele Muccino, starring Will Smith. In the film, Tim Thomas, a painful tax officer, helped 7 people with various health problems and fell in love with one of them. It is a movie that scores very well from the Seven Life movie viewing platforms.
Justice (The Equalizer - 2014) Action
McCall leaves his mysterious past behind and sails towards a calm and quiet life. But when he meets a young girl named Teri under the control of the brutal Russian mafia, he cannot be indifferent to this situation he is in. Having retired himself, McCall will help Teri by pursuing her sense of justice. Because it stands by the weak as a representation of justice ...
Crime / Sci-Fi in the shadow of the moon (In the Shadow of the Moon - 2019)
In Phidelphy of 1988, a police officer named Thomas Lockhart was making great efforts to become a detective. This desire forces him to investigate serial murders committed with the same signature at 9-year intervals. However, none of the traces left by the murderer match scientific facts. Locke becomes even more ambitious and obsessive to resolve this issue. This ambition will go to end his career, lose his mind, and lose his family.
Focus (Focus - 2015) Romance / Crime
Nicky is one of the master crooks of his era. One day, she crosses paths with a young beautiful and charming lady named Jess Barrett. Jess, who is not a regular woman, is as skilled as Nicky about the heist! While the duo are planning to go after a big hunt, they will fall in love with each other when they are not on account.
Longest Distance - The Longest Yard (2005)A former football star goes to jail for driving drunk cars and sets up an ambitious team of prisoners here. The team and coach who make a very tight preparation before the match with the guards will surprise both the guards and the audience ...
First Day (Training Day - 2001) Tension / Crime
A war is repeated every day in the back streets of America. A war between drug dealers, ordinary people and people who have sworn to protect them from others. The thirteen-year-old narcotic police Alonzo Harris lost his idealism during his years on the streets for the first time he entered the profession and realized that if he tries to do things in accordance with the book, he will not be able to do anything and will be killed in a short time. Alonzo and many others like him are breaking the law they are protecting from now on in order to do the necessary work. Whether their work is legal or not has become blurred after that. The rookie cop Jake Hoyt, who was assigned with him one day, is very different from Alonzo. Jake is a true idealist who believes in doing everything in his book and streamlining society.
Coach Carter (Coach Carter - 2005) Drama / Sports
Ken Carter, formerly a successful basketball player, accepts his coaching offer from Richmond High, where he graduated. Coach Carter wants his players to be very successful in their class as well as winners on the field. Therefore, it forces all players to sign an agreement that they will keep their averages above 2.3, sit in the front row in the classroom and attend all classes. When it comes to discipline, coach Carter is completely brutal, arguing that fitness and defense are always more important than offense, and he started to work his team in this direction. The program has run, the team has made a great start to the season and everything is going very well. Until the players' academic progress reports arrive.
Lucy (2014) Science Fiction / Action
In Taiwan, a woman named Lucy hides her prohibited substances for drug trafficking. Lucy will be caught and battered as she carries the drugs hidden inside her body. As a result of the blows received, the drug package will rupture in the abdomen and will be mixed with blood.
Jack Reacher (2012) Action / Crime
A quiet and sunny morning in the city of Pittsburgh, just before working hours, people rush to their jobs and experience their daily rush. Meanwhile, in the park overlooking the 10th Street bridge, 6 gun shots from the opposite side of the river are heard, and within a few minutes, 5 innocent people fall to the ground in blood and die. It is not long before the Pitssburg police department solves this event, which is obviously a master gunner, and catches the murder suspect; Perpetrators of 5 murders are caught before 24 hours have elapsed. But the young man, who said nothing during the interrogation, just said "Find Jack Reacher!" author. With all the evidence in the middle of the day, a former soldier, Jack Reacher, will enter a case where he will reveal the invisible aspects of the event. Meanwhile, suspect Jason Barr said, Helen Rodin is the daughter of Alex Rodin, the District Attorney. The dimensions of the showdown between father and daughter are very different.
Blood Diamond (Blood Diamond - 2006) Thriller / Adventure
Afrika kökenli bir paralı asker olan Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio) kendi yöntemleriyle Sierra Leone’de elmas kaçakçılığı yapmaktadır. Sağlam yer altı ve askeri bağlantıları olmasına rağmen, bir gün sınırdan elmas geçirmekte iken yakalanıp tutuklanır. 90’lı yılların başında Sierra Leone’de katliamlar yapan, çocukları kaçırıp acımasız katiller haline getiren Devrimci Birleşik Cephe’nin körüklediği iç savaş ve kaos ortamı hakimdir. Üç çocuklu balıkçı Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou)’nin köyü D.B.C. tarafından basılır, insanlar vahşice öldürülür. Solomon ailesini kurtarmayı başarmasına rağmen, esir düşer ve elmas çıkarma kamplarında çalışmaya götürülür. Bu kapta çalışırken bir gün Solomon, kuş yumurtası büyüklüğünde, değeri milyonlarca pound edecek pembe bir elmas parçası bulur ve onu gömer. Çok geçmeden kamp hükümet askerleri tarafından basılır. Solomon, Archer’ın bulunduğu hapisaneye atılır. Baskından hemen önce Solomon’un elması bulduğunu fark eden D.B.C. lideri Poison (David Harewood)’ın hapiste Solomon’un bulduğu elmastan bahsetmesi Archer’ın dikkatini çeker. Böylece yolları kesişen Archer ve Solomon kendi çıkarları uğruna işbirliği yaparlar. Archer, Solomon’un elmasını, Solomon ise Archer’ın nüfuzu sayesinde kaybettiği ailesini ve Poison'un çocuk asker olarak yetiştirmek üzere yanına aldığı oğlu Dia'yı bulmak istemektedir. Ama Archer’ın kolu, Solomon’un ailesini bulabilmek için yeterince uzun değildir. O yetki, Archer’ın gizli bağlantılarının peşinde olan güçlü ve idealist gazeteci Maddy Bowen (Jennifer Connelly)’da olunca, birbirine muhtaç olan üç insan için gerilimli bir süreç başlar.
The Core (2003) Science Fiction / Adventure
Extraordinary events taking place on earth threaten the future of the world. Authorities investigating these supernatural phenomena put Doctor Keyes on duty, and the doctor realizes that there are problems with the core in the bottom layer of soil. The inner core does not move in accordance with the stable rotational speed of the earth, it remains stationary. This situation is serious enough to trigger natural disasters and then cause apocalypse. A team of scientists is formed and an extraordinary journey is made on the inside of the earth.
Code 8 (2019) - Science Fiction / Fantasy
It all started with a short movie that went viral in 2016. For some time, the source was searched for the feature film and the expected film Code 8. It would be better to describe the film as a concept rather than an independent sci-fi thriller. The film reveals a fascinating world structure with a very basic story. Code 8 is set in an alternative reality where 4 percent of the world's population is born with superpowers. Some skills are allowed by the government, such as mind-reading, manipulating electricity, or, in rare cases, physically healing other people. Strong individuals, such as Connor Reed (Robbie Amell), who live in a crowded metropolis called Lincoln City, with his sick mother (Kari Matchett), find it hard to struggle to find a job and keep it safe against the government. On the other hand to support the police and Drones and autonomous robots are used to keep the control under control. That's why Connor cannot say no when he gets a high-pay job offer by Garrett (Stephen Amell), a criminal working for Lincoln City's biggest drug baron Marcus Sutcliffe (Greg Bryk). But when Lincoln City cops Park (Sung Kang) and Davis (Aaron Abrams) realize that Connor is working for Sutcliffe, the danger begins to grow.
Blind Spot (The Blind Side - 2009) Drama / Sports
The life of an African American young boy, who does not know who his father is, his mother is a drug addict, and no one cares about among his thirteen siblings, is on the streets. This child who is illiterate and extremely unsuccessful at school will change his life when he starts to be protected by a rich Republican family. Starting football at school, the teenager eventually discovered his talent. And one day he will be one of the most sought-after athletes of the National Football league ...
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